The First Tee  


Hello everyone – welcome to the minimalist version of the First Tee. Our newsletter has a new look this year; a look that is driven by technology – kind of. Apparently my version of Adobe Creative Suites is so old the company doesn’t support it anymore, so I’ve had to improvise for this year.

In this stripped-down version you’ll still find our tournament dates, and update on what’s happening, your renewal form and a note (this link) from Mike Pickard our Wednesday Night Chair.

President’s Report

Anyway lots going on this year for the club. Probably the biggest change for everyone is that we will not be playing a River Valley Challenge this summer. Riverside continues to have trouble fielding a team and wanted to reduce participants to 16x players per side.

That runs contrary to the intent we set out when the tournament was founded in 2007. Our focus has always been to be as inclusive as possible to allow Club members from across the handicap spectrum participate in what was a fun, friendly competition. In light of the current impasse the exec made the decision to not participate this year.

Speaking of tournaments we’ve booked the Away Tournament this year a little closer to home at the Quarry. We’re hoping that having the tournament in town will allow more guys to take part in the tournament.

One change for this year – anyone interested will have to pony up the tournament fees – around $100 for 18 holes with a cart – at the meet and greet on April 25th.

A list of all our tournaments (this link). You’ll also note the Mahar normally played in May was bumped to June because Corporate Challenge is being played at Vic the last weekend in May.

Remember deadline for registering for 2018 is 6 p.m. Sunday 21 April 18.

Take care and play well this season.
