2024 Rounds Posted (as of 2024-07-21)

2024 Rounds Posted (as of 2024-07-21)
FIRST NAMELAST NAMECHflightTOTAL Rounds PlayedAway Tourn.Jim MaharMatch non VMCVMC rounds2024/05/012024/05/082024/05/152024/05/182024/05/222022/05/292024/06/052024/06/082024/06/122024/06/192024/06/232024/06/262022/07/032024/07/062024/07/102024/07/172024/07/20postedfix datemissingposted %fix date %missing %
AbrahamAhimbisibwe8flight #26006posteddid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not play600100%0%0%
GregorAllan7flight #2141113postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedfix date playedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedmissing111184.6%7.7%7.7%
AaronAnderson8flight #29018postedfix date playeddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playfix date playeddid not playdid not playmissing32337.5%25%37.5%
BrandonBailey19flight #46006did not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissing50183.3%0%16.7%
JodyBandi11flight #28008did not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not play800100%0%0%
KyleBarton15flight #36015posteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not play30260%0%40%
SunilBhambhaniNHflight #11001did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not play0010%0%100%
DonBuchananNHflight #10000did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play0000%0%0%
JohnBurton12flight #36006did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingmissingdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playmissingmissingdid not play20433.3%0%66.7%
TrungCao15flight #3130112did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedfix date playedposteddid not playmissingfix date playedmissingfix date playedposteddid not play73258.3%25%16.7%
HowardCatagas11flight #2161115postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingpostedposted140193.3%0%6.7%
KourchChan25flight #510019did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play900100%0%0%
AlChapman18flight #4151114did not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1400100%0%0%
StephenCheung24flight #52002did not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not play200100%0%0%
WaiCheung23flight #5131013did not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedmissing120192.3%0%7.7%
LincolnChow19flight #4141113did not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1300100%0%0%
AlanChristiansen12flight #38008did not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playmissingdid not play70187.5%0%12.5%
ReedClarke18flight #47007postedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play50271.4%0%28.6%
JohnCroucher14flight #3100010posteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play1000100%0%0%
JimCunningham19flight #47007did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playfix date playeddid not playdid not play61085.7%14.3%0%
KarimDamji18flight #49009posteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playmissingposteddid not play80188.9%0%11.1%
TomDaneluik2flight #16006postedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not play600100%0%0%
MarkFerne15flight #3110010postedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not play1000100%0%0%
ShaneFielding3flight #10000did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play0000%0%0%
DerrickForsythe9flight #20000did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play0000%0%0%
DerekFraser7flight #28008postedposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not play70187.5%0%12.5%
ScottGarries23flight #53003postedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play300100%0%0%
BrentGibson9flight #29018did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not play800100%0%0%
MarkGibson1flight #10000did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play0000%0%0%
StephenGibson1flight #17007did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play700100%0%0%
PatrickGowan12flight #38008postedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposted800100%0%0%
FrankGraumann24flight #5110011did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play1100100%0%0%
StevenGross1flight #1100010did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play1000100%0%0%
GregGutsch18flight #4121111did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play1100100%0%0%
TylerHerder13flight #39018did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play70187.5%0%12.5%
JasonHill29flight #58108did not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play800100%0%0%
AndyHo11flight #2161115postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1500100%0%0%
ParkerHogan9flight #2141113did not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not play1300100%0%0%
JohnHolmes16flight #4100010did not playmissingmissingdid not playmissingmissingmissingdid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playmissingmissingdid not play30730%0%70%
ShawnHunter9flight #28117did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedpostedmissingposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposted60185.7%0%14.3%
JamesHunter8flight #2100010did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playmissingdid not playpostedposteddid not playmissingmissingdid not play70370%0%30%
TonyHuntley13flight #3121012missingpostedposteddid not playmissingpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playfix date playeddid not play81366.7%8.3%25%
RickJames14flight #3110011postedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedfix date playeddid not play101090.9%9.1%0%
DerekJones5flight #16006did not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playmissingdid not playpostedmissingdid not play40266.7%0%33.3%
MarkKalynchuk10flight #2121111postedposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedmissingmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingposted80372.7%0%27.3%
SalimKassam13flight #3170116postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedmissing150193.8%0%6.3%
BradKendall24flight #5100010did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play1000100%0%0%
BillyKing10flight #26006postedmissingmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not play40266.7%0%33.3%
DaveKinnear10flight #27116did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play600100%0%0%
DougKrystofiak17flight #4100010did not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not play1000100%0%0%
DanaKuzik13flight #3150015postedpostedpostedpostedpostedmissingmissingpostedmissingposteddid not playmissingmissingdid not playmissingmissingmissing70846.7%0%53.3%
JimLai18flight #45005did not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play500100%0%0%
LakhvinderLakhi14flight #3171116postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not play1600100%0%0%
JoeLavorato15flight #3130111did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not play1100100%0%0%
JeremiahLeder17flight #48008did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play800100%0%0%
PeterLeong19flight #4140113did not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1300100%0%0%
SidLubkey17flight #42002did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play10150%0%50%
RobbieLynch16flight #47007posteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playmissingdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play40357.1%0%42.9%
CampbellMackenzie15flight #38008missingmissingmissingdid not playdid not playmissingmissingdid not playdid not playmissingdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play0080%0%100%
SeanMacLaren12flight #3140014postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1400100%0%0%
EddieMah14flight #39009did not playpostedfix date playeddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedmissingdid not playdid not play71177.8%11.1%11.1%
ByronMartin7flight #25005did not playdid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play40180%0%20%
BruceMcCollum16flight #45005did not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not play500100%0%0%
MatthewMcFadyen1flight #14004postedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play400100%0%0%
BruceMcKim15flight #34004postedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play400100%0%0%
LarryMcMillan15flight #35014did not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not play30175%0%25%
BruceMethuen14flight #37007postedpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play40357.1%0%42.9%
JeffMiller8flight #26006did not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not play600100%0%0%
JoshuaMoar5flight #16006did not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play600100%0%0%
KennethMoelhoff31flight #57007did not playfix date playedposteddid not playfix date playedpostedposteddid not playpostedfix date playeddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play43057.1%42.9%0%
ShawnMorin11flight #2130112fix date playedmissingpostedpostedpostedmissingposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not play81366.7%8.3%25%
GavinMorton19flight #47007did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted700100%0%0%
NalakaMorugama11flight #2151114postedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not play1400100%0%0%
DeanMumby20flight #48008postedposteddid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not play800100%0%0%
RobMurphy1flight #19009posteddid not playposteddid not playpostedmissingmissingdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not play60366.7%0%33.3%
Louis L.Mussbacher5flight #1110011did not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not play1100100%0%0%
AllanNalli8flight #2110110did not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not play1000100%0%0%
TedNason13flight #38017did not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play60185.7%0%14.3%
GerryO'Donnell17flight #4171116postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedmissing140287.5%0%12.5%
DaveO'Neil11flight #2110011postedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play1100100%0%0%
IlyaOstrovsky8flight #21501113missingdid not playposteddid not playpostedpostedmissingposteddid not playmissingdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedmissingmissing80561.5%0%38.5%
CaleParkynNHflight #10000did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play0000%0%0%
GregPastor16flight #46006did not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not play50183.3%0%16.7%
JeffPelletier16flight #4100010postedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play1000100%0%0%
JohnPeterson13flight #3110011did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposted1100100%0%0%
TrungPham23flight #510119did not playmissingdid not playdid not playmissingmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingmissingmissingmissingdid not playmissingmissingdid not play0090%0%100%
TimPhillips3flight #1110011posteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playfix date playedmissingmissingdid not playmissingdid not play71363.6%9.1%27.3%
MikePickard6flight #1161115postedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1500100%0%0%
MarkPoesch13flight #38008posteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playmissingposteddid not playpostedmissingdid not play60275%0%25%
GrantQuibell13flight #38008did not playpostedfix date playeddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedmissing51262.5%12.5%25%
JRRafols15flight #33003did not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not play300100%0%0%
JimRainey13flight #3120012postedpostedmissingdid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingdid not play100283.3%0%16.7%
TomRay22flight #510019did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play900100%0%0%
HowardReid5flight #17107postedpostedfix date playeddid not playfix date playeddid not playposteddid not playdid not playfix date playedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play43057.1%42.9%0%
TonyRicioppo12flight #36006did not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedmissingdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play40266.7%0%33.3%
BrendanRobbins14flight #3120012postedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1200100%0%0%
SamRobertson9flight #210019postedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play900100%0%0%
BradRollins26flight #55005did not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not play500100%0%0%
DaveRostrup15flight #33003did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play0030%0%100%
NitinSaini13flight #32002posteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playdid not play10150%0%50%
GarySalh8flight #2131112postedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposted1200100%0%0%
RossSavard12flight #3101019postedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not play900100%0%0%
DarylSchmermund18flight #4100010did not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play1000100%0%0%
CurtisShell22flight #59018postedpostedfix date playeddid not playpostedfix date playeddid not playdid not playmissingdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play52162.5%25%12.5%
StephenSimmons3flight #1131013missingpostedpostedpostedmissingposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play110284.6%0%15.4%
John D.Smith21flight #55005did not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play40180%0%20%
JeffSmith10flight #27107posteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playfix date playeddid not play61085.7%14.3%0%
RichardSpence16flight #4151114postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playpostedpostedposted1400100%0%0%
RichardSteinke17flight #48008did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play800100%0%0%
ChrisSuvan10flight #25005did not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play500100%0%0%
RaySwart19flight #4140014postedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1400100%0%0%
PhilSzwedowicz18flight #48008postedpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play800100%0%0%
MilanTasovac17flight #48017did not playdid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedfix date playedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposted61085.7%14.3%0%
JordanThachuk6flight #1110110did not playpostedpostedmissingpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not play90190%0%10%
TerryThachuk9flight #2150114did not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedfix date playeddid not play131092.9%7.1%0%
PaulTorkoly14flight #3111110postedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play1000100%0%0%
DucTran12flight #3131112did not playpostedfix date playedpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playdid not playmissingpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playmissing91275%8.3%16.7%
JordanVallee1flight #110019posteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedmissingdid not playdid not playfix date playeddid not playdid not playfix date playedpostedmissingdid not playdid not playposted52255.6%22.2%22.2%
PeterVenner18flight #48008posteddid not playdid not playdid not playpostedpostedposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not play800100%0%0%
KarnieVertz2flight #17007did not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedfix date playeddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playposteddid not playpostedmissingdid not play51171.4%14.3%14.3%
PaulVoNHflight #12002did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play10150%0%50%
DaiVu24flight #5141113did not playpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedmissingdid not playmissingpostedmissingpostedpostedpostedmissingdid not play90469.2%0%30.8%
MarvinWadsworth23flight #5111110did not playpostedposteddid not playmissingpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingmissingdid not playposteddid not playdid not playposteddid not play70370%0%30%
GreggWatson25flight #57007did not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playpostedposteddid not playmissingdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not play60185.7%0%14.3%
JaradWatson3flight #19009did not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedmissingdid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not playpostedposteddid not play80188.9%0%11.1%
RobWeisner13flight #31001did not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playfix date playeddid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not playdid not play0100%100%0%
JonathanWilliams3flight #1100010postedpostedposteddid not playmissingmissingmissingdid not playpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playdid not playmissingdid not play60460%0%40%
DouglasWoudstra13flight #3140014posteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not play1400100%0%0%
MarvinZimmer15flight #3150114postedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedpostedposteddid not playposteddid not playdid not playpostedpostedpostedpostedposted1400100%0%0%
PaulZimmerman17flight #49009did not playpostedposteddid not playpostedmissingposteddid not playpostedmissingdid not playdid not playposteddid not playdid not playmissingdid not play60366.7%0%33.3%

Posted – means you played in a VMC tournament and you posted the score on Golf Canada for the correct “played” date

Fix Date Played – means you played in a VMC tournament and you posted the score on Golf Canada mistakenly for a “played” date that was the day after the actual tournament date (if you don’t correct the “played” date then the score will not count towards the Ringer Board)

Missing – means you played in a VMC tournament but we couldn’t find a score posted on Golf Canada on the VMC tournament played date or mistakenly entered for the day after (therefore make sure the played date is changed if you did post a score, or if you did not post a score make sure you post a score for the correct “played” date) – it is the responsibility of all golfers to make sure you all your scores are entered and for the correct “played” date – otherwise your scores are not eligible for the Ringer Board

Did Not Play – means you did not play in a VMC tournament and any scores posted on Golf Canada do not count towards and VMC tournament prizes


September 25, 2024 12:00 AM
August 28, 2024 12:00 AM

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