Date: Sunday, September 6, 2024
Tee Times start at 8:30
The Champion’s Cup is played using a Ryder Cup format.
Teams are selected by the Club Champion and the Club Captain.
The captains then select pairings from within their respective teams.
Players compete in singles match play (using handicaps) with 3 points per match on the line.
1 point for winning the Front 9, 1 point for winning the Back 9 and 1 point for winning the overall match. Ties result in 0.5 points for each player. (Points are also available for dressing in Team colours – as selected by the Team Captains)
The team with the greatest number of points at the end of the contest is declared the winner and is entitled to a steak dinner with all the trimmings. The losing team is entitled to a meal best described as something less than a steak dinner with all the trimmings…In the event of a tie, the outcome of the Team Captain’s match will determine the winner. If this match is also a draw, we will continue down the list of matches until a winner is determined.
This is a fun, yet competitive tournament which encourages strong esprit de corps and playful banter. Enjoy the comradery and play well..
Any questions can be directed at Andy Ho – Tournament Chair.
2024 Champion’s Cup Winners – Team Thachuk

- 2023 Champions Cup Winner – Team Gibson
- 2022 Champions Cup Winner – Team Vallee
- 2021 Champions Cup Winner – Team Vallee
- 2020 (Club Champion Captain’s Team Won)
2019 (Club Captain’s Team Won)
2019 Champion’s Cup Info Sheet
2018 (Club Captain’s Team Won)
2018 (Club Captain’s Team Won – results)
2015 (2014 Champ’s Team Won)